At Aspire we understand and respect that every pupil has their own unique strengths and differences, through nurture, support and endless care we build self esteem, self worth so all our children can make progress from their varied starting points.
Our approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) is to develop and deepen this understanding in all our staff to better support children and families, we work with a wide range of external agencies to ensure we are highly skilled and our children get what they need. We identify unmet needs and provide appropriate support strategies which enable each pupil to make progress with their academic and social and emotional skills.
Some of our children have an Education Health and Care plan (which entitles them to further support) some don't- our approach remains the same. We identify gaps in learning, signpost to the right support so our understanding of what the children need is clear.
Based on our values of nurture and building positive relationships, our aim is to provide each pupil with:
A positive experience of the admissions process into Aspire, so that each pupil feels that they are welcomed, accepted and understood when they become part of our school.
Access to appropriate baseline assessments to support our knowledge of each young person.
A Student Support Plan that details strengths and needs and provides a ‘Plan, Do and Review’ approach to pupil support and progress. All pupils and parent/carers are involved in creating this document which is reviewed termly at our friends and family day.
Access to support from specialist external agencies to provide additional assessments and ensure that all Aspire staff have the best resources and skills to meet needs.
Support Staff who are trained in the latest, evidence based, approaches to SEN
A sense of hope in their future and belief that they can achieve their dreams and ambitions.
All our young people in Aspire have significant barriers to learning due their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties. At Aspire, we are committed to:
Identifying each pupil's SEN needs as early as possible
Ensuring all pupils reach their full potential regardless of their SEN needs
Providing a broad and balanced curriculum for each and every pupil
Supporting all pupils to live as well adjusted, independent and valued members of society
Ensuring all staff share the responsibility for the progress of all young people in our care
Giving all pupils a sense of belonging within a nurturing environment
Support all our pupils with their transitions both into and out of Aspire
Please view our latest SEND report below.