The Care Team within Rotherham Aspire have specific responsibility for the care of pupils who are struggling to access learning in and out of the classroom. Each of our centres have a dedicated Care Team, directed by the Assistant Headteacher or Centre Lead, to support staff and pupils. This work takes place both in and out of the classroom with specialist behaviour management strategies.
The Care Team in Rotherham Aspire will:
Support staff in dealing with those pupils that are struggling to access learning.
Care for the needs of pupils who are unable to access learning and support a swift and safe reintegration into learning.
Use specialist techniques of de-escalation, deflection and reparation in order to reduce the loss of learning time to a minimum.
Provide authentic care for all pupils, taking into account individual pupil needs, disabilities and vulnerabilities.
Provide specialist advice and guidance for staff on all aspects of behaviour management including positive handling.
Keep clear and accurate data records on incidents that can be used to inform intervention and behaviour planning.
Develop individual behaviour plans in conjunction with staff, pupils, parents and partner agencies.
In addition to regularly supporting teaching and learning about positive behaviour and regular attendance underpinned by a nurturing approach, the Care Team provides the following individualised support to pupils:
Use of the Early Help Assessment process to identify and support emerging unmet needs.
Liaise with parents/carers, previous schools, outside agencies and services.
Attend meetings with parents/carers, previous schools, outside agencies and services.
Hold regular behaviour management reviews to support teaching, learning and pupils.
Complete targeted Social, Emotional and Mental Health assessments on pupils i.e. SDQ, Boxall etc.
Provide access to targeted specialist interventions i.e. THRIVE, Boxall etc.
Enable a thorough transition process for 6-day students ensuring the excluding school works closely with the Care Team to form a clear picture of an incoming pupils needs and support framework