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Aspire SEMH OutReach Team

Welcome to the Rotherham Aspire Outreach team page


This section of the website with aim to provide you with everything you need to know about the service we offer, how we can help and provide you with further information and links to resources and support you may find useful.


What are SEMH needs?

We all have mental health. Mental health can change and fluctuate depending on circumstances and experiences. The World Health Organisation describes emotional and mental health as ‘a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope

with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to

make a contribution to her or his community’.


When we talk about children and young people having ‘emotional

and mental health needs’, we usually mean children and young

people who do not feel they can cope with life and/or enjoy things,

and who may not be able to achieve their potential in learning and

developing. The SEN Code of Practice 2015 also adds the word ‘social’

to this definition, to include that sometimes feelings and behaviours in

children and young people are linked to their ‘social’ life: what’s going on in their family, with their friends, and in the community they live in.

Recent figures estimate that around 150,000 children in mainstream and special schools are suffering from SEMH. SEMH does not have to be a lifelong condition. With appropriate support children and young people can move forward and live successful lives.


The AOT works with young people who attend mainstream primary and secondary schools who have been identified as potentially displaying needs within SEMH. We are an untraded service who can provide support to young people and staff in the educational settings that are supporting them through a range of training and support interventions.



For more information on how Outreach can help support young people and educators click on What is Outreach.  Alternatively there is more information that can be found at SENDCO Rotherham webpage 


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