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Attendance & Punctuality

Attendance is a top priority for Aspire.  We have seen a year on year increase in attendance over the last 3 years.

At Aspire we aim for students to be in school on time, every day.  Parent/carer support in ensuring this is essential.

Where absence is unavoidable parents /carers should telephone school as early as possible on the first day of absence with a reason for the absence and how long they think the child will be absent for.  Please contact the Aspire site your child attends:


Hutton Park        Tel: 01709 794838

Rawmarsh            Tel: 01709 710144

Catcliffe               Tel: 01709 834390


Medical or dental appointments should, where possible, be may for outside of school hours.  If this is not possible school should be notified in advance a copy of the appointment letter sent into school.

If your child is absent from school for more than 3 days a member of staff will make a safe and well check

We know that appeal of term time holidays to our families. However, you may have heard on the news that new guidance has come into place to prevent them. Here is an overview of what this guidance means for you:

Parents must complete a leave of absence for any planned holiday during term time. These forms can be collected from main reception. The majority of term time holidays will be unauthorised.

Under the new national framework, all local authorities will be required to consider a fixed penalty notice (fine) when a child has missed 10 or more sessions (5 school days) for unauthorised reasons.

If you go ahead with the leave of absence, you will receive a fine of £60 per parent per child if paid within 21 days rising to £120 per parent per child if paid within 28 days.

The new national framework also states that a parent will not be issued with more than 1 fixed penalty notice in respect of an individual child in any 2-year period.

This means that if any parent/carer who has already received a Fixed Penalty Notice then takes their child out of school in term time for a holiday, which falls within 2 years of the date of the last day of absence of the previous holiday, a request will be made to the Local Authority and they may be referred to the Magistrate’s Court.

This could result in of up to £1000 per parent per child.  

From August 2024 these rates are set to rise further.

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

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