As a pupil referral unit Rotherham Aspire is run by a management committee. An overview of the legislation covering the management of pupil referral units is outlined below and will give an insight into the role and composition of our Management Committee:
Regulations require local authorities to establish management committees to run pupil referral units in their area, to make provision for the constitution (including composition) and procedures of these committees, and to delegate specific powers to them. The management committee at Rotherham Aspire has a strategic role setting out and monitoring the aims and objectives of the unit to ensure children are safe, have their needs met and receive a good standard of education.
The local authority delegates a budget to the management committee of Rotherham Aspire.
The management committee uses its delegated budget to ensure that Rotherham Aspire can act responsively and specifically in the best interests of pupils. From April 2013, local authorities have had to delegate to the management committee responsibility to set budgets. The management committee also has responsibility for all financial decisions necessary to manage and spend budgets effectively, such as maintaining accurate accounts and signing contracts.
Responsibility for all decisions about the recruitment and management of staff will sit with the management committee. The local authority will remain the employer of staff at Rotherham Aspire and will continue to be responsible for agreeing pay and conditions. The management committee has responsibility for making decisions about appointing and managing members of staff.
Management Committee Members
Chair of the Management Committee Lisa McCall
Vice Chair Pete Douglas
Headteacher Rotherham Aspire Lee Morritt
Safeguarding Lead Lindsay Wootton-Ashforth
Finance Lead Andrew Winch
Curriculum Lead Dave Burnham
Community Link Kerry Byrne
Community Link Mark Windel
Community Link Carole Brookes
Staff Representative Caroline Booth
Staff Associate Member David Thorpe
Clerk to the Management Committee Donna Hissitt -